PawPrints Network developed the dog years & cat tales care journal which assists with caring for our companion animals and helps guide conversations with our veterinarians. The journal is designed to help support caring for your aging, chronically or terminally ill companion animal. Our roles as caregiver, advocate and decision maker for our pet can be an overwhelming experience and the care journal is a tool to help track and manage important information.

The care journals consists of several sections, including:
- notes and observations pages to record observations about your pet’s health, including breathing, water intake and hydration, appetite, and other observations. Tracking this information creates a record of information that will be helpful to share with your veterinarian during your pet’s appointments.
- appointment assistant pages provide a place to summarize notes and observations in preparation for your pet’s next vet appointment, as well as record changes in care instructions, medications, pending lab results, next appointment timeline and other information at the appointment.
- touching tales and memorable moments pages to record special moments or memories with your pet.
- bridges and rainbows provides things to consider on the journey with your pet.
- health tracking charts to record your pet’s medications, track changes in your pet’s weight and record laboratory results.